
After an in-depth examination of Communications and its conventions, I have come to the conclusion that this discipline in particular, possesses a number of unique qualities that make it quite different from other fields of study. This uniqueness is most obvious in Communications discourse communities. Unlike most academic disciplines that are applicable and relevant to a limited group of people, often members of the field, Communications is understood and valued across the globe. It expands far beyond academia. As such, Communications discourse communities are exceedingly present. At a constant rate, people all over the world practice communication, explore communication, engage in and witness behavioral communication, and value communication in all facets of their existence. When assessing discourse communities within the field of Communications, it is important to note that one does not have to be a scholar to find a connection with the field. Expertise in the field of Communications is an additional unique convention of this discipline. While expertise in most other academic fields is qualified by an exhaustive knowledge and understanding of the discipline from all angles, this type of mastery is not exactly possible within Communications. This field is rooted in an area of life that will be forever evolving; therefore, one can only be an “expert” in this field to the extent of their effective and strategic research methods, firm grasp on theories and models, and willingness to continue to learn. Lastly, methods of obtaining research in Communications are an unusually limited and often involved series of procedures. It can be inferred, from what is considered valuable information in the field, that one cannot simply generate and handout a questionnaire and assess human communicative patterns. For instance, while this may be an effective method of examination in the field of psychology, studying the human brain and human inclinations, so much more is being taken into account when studying humans through the lens of Communications. Gathering evidence for research within this field requires detailed assessments of human body language, body signals, facial expressions, surrounding circumstances, relationship between communicators, voice tone, and words used. Essentially, what might qualify as sufficient evidence to support research in another field may simply be but a mere component to functional evidence in Communications. One of the most amazing qualities about Communications is that, knowledge on this field is pertinent to every aspect of life and it provides those who study it with a skill set that will always be useful. Though this is a fact I have always known, it has never been so apparent to me. While this has been my major for my entire college experience, this project highlighted some truly fascinating ways that information exists, is explored, handled, and studied I had yet to realize.

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